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Thank you for visiting Save MO Seniors. This is an advocacy site for everyone who believes in giving a voice to Missouri's most vulnerable citizens. Our state has come across hard financial times and unfortunately to some that means under funding the care of our seniors, veterans and citizens with disabilities. As we approach the 2019 session we ask all of you to encourage your friends and families to sign up as an advocate for our vulnerable citizens. Our goal is to make sure they continue to have access to the quality long term care they deserve.

The General Assembly passed and Governor Parson signed the FY2019 Budget and we are pleased to announce the budget includes a reversal of the cuts to nursing home care from last year but also includes additional funds that our vulnerable citizens in nursing homes desperately need.  The budget reduces the underfunding for the care of our must vulnerable citizens require in nursing homes from a $25 shortfall per resident per day, to a shortfall of approximately $18 per resident per day for the vital services provided to residents in nursing homes.  While we still are not in a position of full funding, we ended in a much more sustainable situation than we began!


We are now waiting. The 2019 legislative session is right around the corner which means more advocating for adequate funding. This will be a very hard ask of the General Assembly so we need all the help we can get. Check out our resources from last year to get an idea of what our talking points will be. The only difference is we went from $25 per patient per day underfunded to $18 per patient per day underfunded.


Sign Up To Advocate

Enter your information below to sign up and advocate!

How you can help

Email Script

Talking Points

Helpful Tips

Here are a few things to remember when talking to your elected officials

  1. Know the name of your elected official before you call (click here to look them up)

  2. Don't be intimidated, they are looking for advice from you

  3. Don't try to debate, be respectful 

  4. A conversation with a Legislative Aide is just as important as with the legislator

  5. Be prepared to answer questions on the issue or share a personal story


Contact Save MO Seniors With Questions
Please let us know comments questions or concerns you have regarding this issue. We look forward to hearing from you!
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*this message doesn't go to your legislator

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